목록2025/01/18 (1)
올해는 머신러닝이다.
[NextJs] shadcn 설치시 tailwind 오류 발생시
NextJs에 shadcn/ui 설치시No Tailwind CSS configuration found at /Users/taehyunkim/workspaces-study/nextjs-docs/docs-tutorial. It is likely you do not have Tailwind CSS installed or have an invalid configuration. Install Tailwind CSS then try again. Visit https://tailwindcss.com/docs/guides/nextjs to get started.위와 같은 오류 발생시필수 설치 단계Tailwind CSS와 의존성 패키지들을 설치[](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/what-to-d..
카테고리 없음
2025. 1. 18. 10:17