fun appendList<T>(listOfLists: List<List<T>>, toAppend: List<T>): List<List<T>> { }

Of course both of the following work:

fun appendList<T>(listOfLists: List<List<T>>, toAppend: List<T>): List<List<T>> {   // Use spread operator   return listOf(*listOfLists.toTypedArray(), toAppend); }

fun appendList<T>(listOfLists: List<List<T>>, toAppend: List<T>): List<List<T>> {
  // Turn to mutable list
  val ret = listOfLists.toArrayList()
  return ret

But this is confusing to users who might expect + to work. Due to type erasure, + will always have quirks like this. I had to add the following extension:

operator fun <T, C : Collection<T>> List<C>.plus(toAppend: C): List<C> {
    val ret = java.util.ArrayList<C>(this.size + 1)
    return ret

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