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올해는 머신러닝이다.

array union, intersection 관련내용 본문


array union, intersection 관련내용

행복한 수지아빠 2017. 6. 30. 18:05

es, Swift has the Set class.

let array1 = ["a", "b", "c"]
let array2 = ["a", "b", "d"]

let set1:Set<String> = Set(array1)
let set2:Set<String> = Set(array2)

Swift 3.0+ can do operations on sets as:

firstSet.union(secondSet)// Union of two sets
firstSet.intersection(secondSet)// Intersection of two sets
firstSet.symmetricDifference(secondSet)// exclusiveOr

Swift 2.0 can calculate on array arguments:

set1.union(array2)       // {"a", "b", "c", "d"} 
set1.intersect(array2)   // {"a", "b"}
set1.subtract(array2)    // {"c"}
set1.exclusiveOr(array2) // {"c", "d"}

Swift 1.2+ can calculate on sets:

set1.union(set2)        // {"a", "b", "c", "d"}
set1.intersect(set2)    // {"a", "b"}
set1.subtract(set2)     // {"c"}
set1.exclusiveOr(set2)  // {"c", "d"}

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